

第一条 本校师生员工使用网上文献数据库应遵循合理使用原则,以避免引起不必要的知识产权纠纷,维护我校的声誉和图书馆服务工作的正常秩序。

第二条 严禁使用任何软件工具进行批量下载;严禁在短时间内,超过正常的阅读速度连续下载数据库中的多篇全文文献;严禁整卷、整期地下载数据库中期刊全文。

第三条 任何单位或个人不得私设代理服务器将本校购买的数据库或其他电子资源提供给校外人员使用。

第四条 禁止将我校购买或免费试用的网上数据库用于任何营利性活动。

第五条 对于违规IP,图书馆将在网站上通报,并停止使用,直到违规者书面保证不再犯规。

电话:010-61772587 邮箱: fyh@ncepu.edu.cn

Copyright Statement  

In order to protect the intellectual property rights of electronic resources and to guarantee the legal rights of all authorized users as well, the library appeals to all the organizations and individuals to pay attention to and comply with the regulations on intellectual property rights of electronic resources.

1.Any downloading of the library-subscribed electronic resources by any software tools is prohibited.  

2.Any systematically over downloading of full-text documents from library-subscribed databases is prohibited.

3.Any redistributing electronic literatures to non-NCEPU users and any use of these electronic literatures for the purpose of making profits is prohibited.

4.The proxy server on campus is not allowed to set up for non-NCEPU users accessing  library-subscribed electronic resources.

5.If there is any violation of the above rules, the library will make a thorough investigation together with university departments concerned. The violator will be punished by the following actions:  

(1) Criticize the violator on library website for his wrong behaviour;

(2) Suspend his network account until written guarantee no longer to do.

Tel: 010-61772587  Email: fyh@ncepu.edu.cn